Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities include, but are not limited to, the list below. These start as soon as the students do, if not before. 
If you have a talent you would like to share with the band organization
please fill out the form below or reach out to ivcbands@ivcbands.com.  

Volunteer Opportunities

Uniforms - Alterations, Repair, Cart Attendant           

Equipment -  Loading, Transportation     

Props - design, building and Show Crew

Hydration - help keep kids hydrated at parades and shows      

Nurse/Medical - at band camp and other events, we need medically trained individuals to assist

Chaperone - parents are needed to chaperone camp, Rolling Meadows, Jazz events, etc. throughout the year

Front Ensemble Help - we ask that parents sign up to help at performances and football games getting equipment on and off the field

Event Organizers (Awards Banquet, Jazz Night, Music Fest, Ghost Chase, Raffle
Fundraisers  Event Help ( Decorating, Food Prep and Serving, Clean Up Crew, Publicity, Sponsor Requests)